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Friday 15 August 2014

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Dear All,
Neuromancers-The Programming Society invites all of you for a talk by Prof. Ganapati Panda and also to the introduction of society.
Consult the poster for venue and timings.

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Saturday 8 February 2014

Free Recharge Trick!!

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Use These LinkLink no 1 -
Link no 2 -

Both Link Give You 10 Rs in your account 



You will be redirected to,Enter your mobile no. and get register yourself on site and you will get free recharge of Rs10 on Each Video.

After You get Rs 20 Recharge you can earn Rs 5/Referer in Your Account with that you can recharge more...Enjoy and Keep Visiting

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Wednesday 11 July 2012

7 Awesome Alternatives To Windows Search

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alternatives to windows search
Have you ever searched for a program, file or folder on your computer only to discover that the default search application takes longer to display your search than it does for you to go find it manually yourself? I have. And I’d imagine that most Windows users face this same dilemma.
These applications are all free and allow you to get your results quicker and more efficiently. And some even display more accurate results.


alternatives to windows search
UltraSearch is a creation of JAM Software. They are also the creators of the popular hard drive space program. UltraSearch offers the essential features and a few extras while still keeping it simple and remaining fast – giving you search results in seconds.
It works by directly searching the Master File Table (MFT). Within the search window, all of the important file information is displayed. It also displays all of your computer’s partitions and their total size and free space. Additional options include showing folders and/or files in a search, exclude filters and printing the search results.


windows search alternatives

Snowbird also does a great job at searching for files and quickly displaying them. If you’re using an operating system older than Windows 7, this is a great solution for both Windows Explorer and Windows Search. However, the Windows 7 Search is quite comparable to Snowbird and there isn’t much of a reason to have both. The developer makes a similar statement on the website:
These are relatively recent software, however they have largely been made obsolete by the shift to Windows 7, which provides most of the functionality of the applications below.
With that said, I still noticed a much better performance in the speed and quality in the search results that Snowbird presented, compared to the Windows 7 search.
windows search alternatives
Pictured above is the Advanced Search option. As you can see, there is no browse feature at all in the “Look in:” field. In my opinion, this renders the Advanced Search option completely counter productive. You’d be better off performing a regular search and narrowing down the folder by opening the C:/ drive (or whichever drive you’re searching), like you would in a Windows Search and then using the search box at the top right corner. This is where I got the most success in the speed of receiving results. Don’t get me wrong, Snowbird is a good program. But in my experience, it has some flaws.


If you love Windows 7, but prefer the style of the Windows XP search, this is the program for you. It has portable capability and a familiar search interface. It also uses minimal system resources. However, there is one drawback. The free version is a trial. Not in the sense that the program itself will expire, but the search window will timeout. If you choose to use this program, just be aware of that. Open the window, complete your search and close it. If you do this in a timely manner you should be fine. Overall the performance was ok. It wasn’t nearly as fast as the other programs that I tested, but I still noticed it was quicker than the default Windows Search and is a good alternative.

Super Finder XT

Super Finder XT has a very nice interface and performs at a good speed in displaying your search results. It’s interface mimics the Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 versions. It’s not overly complicated, but offers a decent amount of features. Below is an example of what an advanced search looks like.
windows search alternatives
windows search service
The non-supporter has quite a few features on it’s own. However, the site states that you can use the supporters version, also free, if you become a supporter – obviously. Any amount paid through PayPal will qualify you to be a supporter – which is quite nice. The perks of having this version means you can use it portably, easily exclude folders from the search, use hotkeys, enable Most Recent Used management, and select multiple files.
windows search service


windows search service
Locate32 has changed very little. It is a free, simple, yet a full featured search program. And it’s good at it. I don’t feel I need to say much more about it. The article featuring it does a good job of explaining all it’s features, but it’s a great alternative to the Windows Search and this article wouldn’t be the same without it.

Search Everything

With a name like that, your expectations are automatically high, but this program doesn’t disappoint. Search Everything, by Voidtools, is probably the most renowned search application. It’s portable, free and just an all around great program. Upon starting it for the first time  with your computer, it will build a database of all your files, but it does this fairly quickly and updates all of the displayed files and folders as you type, narrowing down your search in a “live” sort of way. There isn’t really an “advanced search” option, but it doesn’t really need it because it is it’s own advanced search.

Honorable Mention


alternatives to windows search
If you haven’t heard of Launchy already, you’re in for a real treat. Keep in mind that this has been given a honorable mention because it is an excellent program for searching programs. It doesn’t perform searches for files and folders – only executable files (programs), but it does an exceptional job. It’s very customization friendly. If you have a certain theme on your computer or just like the look of a certain skin, you can apply it to Launchy. It’s most useful by prompting it with a keyboard shortcut. This means that you probably want it running on your computer all the time so that it is quickly accessible whenever you want to find a program. It removes the need for excessive amounts of desktop icons that clutter your workspace and it is faster than the default Windows Search on the start menu used to find the program you are looking for.


Now that you have been bombarded with more search options than you know what to do with, it’s up to you to make the right decision. My best advice would be to try one out that you feel suits you and if you find yourself using it a lot than it’s probably a good fit. If not, either you need to change a habit or there’s something about the program that just turns you off. This isn’t a bad thing, just come back to this article and find another option that sounds good. Bottom line though, you really can’t go wrong with any of these options. They are all great and all fast at displaying your search results – although some are faster than others. Others may offer a few more features or an interface that you find more appealing. It’s up to you!
What current methods are you using to find your programs and files? Do you use an alternative to Windows Search that wasn’t mentioned here? How do you think Windows 7 Search compares to the search application in previous versions of Windows?
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The 5 Best Hidden Facebook Tricks You Should Make Use Of

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How much do you use Facebook? Every day? Would you consider yourself an expert? It’s true that we do spend a lot of time on Facebook, but surprisingly, a lot of users still don’t completely take advantage of all the features it has to offer.

To help you make the most of your Facebook experience, I’m going to go into depth explaining the best hidden Facebook tricks currently available, such as forwarding messages, organizing contacts in lists, viewing your profile the way another contact sees it, joining and using groups specifically made for your college and its students, and controlling who sees what you’re tagged in by your friends.

Message Forwarding

The simple way to share messages between different parties is copy and paste. Right? Maybe not. Conversations can be difficult to select in the right place. It also can be quite tedious whenever you want to quickly edit the conversation so that it’s easy to read and follow. Thankfully, Facebook has addressed the issue with message forwarding, allowing you to easily share any part of a conversation.
facebook tricks
The process is simple. With the desired conversation open, click “Actions” and then“Forward…”
facebook tips and tricks
You’ll be prompted to select which messages you would like to send. Do this by checking the boxes next to each message. Click the blue “Forward” button in the yellow banner at the top and send your message to anyone you desire. You can also add your own comments to the conversation as seen in the image below.
It is important to note that you should always get the permission from the other friend whose messages you’re forwarding. It’s the courteous thing to do.

Contact Lists

As you may already know, Facebook has a “lists” feature, which allows you to sort contacts, or do you? If you do know about the feature, do you use it? A quick survey I conducted with 104 people resulted in 72 percent not using this feature. 10 percent said they use only the lists provided by Facebook to organize their friends and 17 percent said they use the provided lists and also make some of their own. Only 27 percent of those who were surveyed are using Facebook lists. That seems quite low to me. However, with that said, Facebook doesn’t make it very simple to organize your contacts, nor do they really explain the benefits of doing so.
I’ll quickly explain the benefit that Facebook lists can be. If you’re at all like me, you probably have connections from several aspects of your life – work, school, family, different organizations, church, friends and people you’ve met through your friends. At the very least, it’s nice to know how those people fit into your life. Sure you may think you can remember them all, but once in a while we all run across someone in our newsfeed that we have to stop and ask ourselves “Who is this person again?” That alone should be reason enough to organize your contacts.
However, you can also create specific newsfeeds for certain people or topics, instead of just seeing everything. Probably the most useful trick with lists, though, is the ability to filter out posts and direct them to certain categories of friends. This can be helpful if you don’t want to annoy fellow co-workers with the vast amount of YouTube videos that you made and posted on your profile for your close friends to see.
This is a good time to quickly point out that you should never post anything on the Internet that you don’t want everyone to see. That doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t direct it to specific audiences, but save yourself some embarrassment and don’t post about that crazy party last night and call in sick on the same day — even if the post is “hidden” from your boss and co-workers. Remember those mutual friends of yours and your boss’s that were tagged in your post? Busted.

To create a Facebook contact list, click on “Friends” on the left sidebar. You’ll likely see some lists already there — those are the ones Facebook has provided for you. The lists include places you’ve worked, gone to school, family, close friends and acquaintances, to name a few. This is a good place to start, but if you want to make a custom list of your own you can click the button “Create List.” Then just name the list and add the people you want.
Even if you don’t want to go back through all your contacts to add them to lists right now, be sure to start with the new contacts that you acquire and immediately add them to a list. This ensures that you don’t forget any newly added ones as you begin your Facebook list adventure.

Profile “View As…”

Ever wonder what your profile looks like to the public eye or even a specific person?  The “View As…” feature allows you to do just that. Beneath the bottom right corner of your cover photo, there is a small gear-shaped button (also next to the “Activity Log” button). When clicked, a menu with the option to see your profile how others see it drops down. Click “View As…” and you’ll see your profile change in appearance.
This is also a nice security feature to see just how much the public sees on your profile. You may end up wanting to change a thing or two that you didn’t know were visible to the public eye.
facebook tips and tricks

College-Specific Groups

Remember back when Facebook was only for college students and you needed an EDU email address to even use it? So, what ever happened to that?
Once Facebook opened to the public, all that college student exclusivity vanished. That feature is now back though with even more features and uses to make your college and Facebook experience even better. To see if your college or university group has already been created on Facebook, go to Groups for Schools.
facebook search tricks
Facebook will automatically detect what college group you belong in based on your EDU email address that you’ve registered with Facebook. To do this, simply add it to your contact information and Facebook will take care of the rest. In these groups, there are endless possibilities to interact with fellow students. It’s a great way to meet fellow students who may share the same interests, which is often hard to do at large universities.

Controlling Posts You’re Tagged In

No! Your friends did it again! They tagged you in that horrendous photo. Needless to say, this happens all the time. In fact, I’ve even done it as a prank to a friend because I knew they didn’t have this feature enabled. So how can you control tagging?
First off, always be aware of where you go in person. I’m referring to real life here. If you think what you’re doing may end up on Facebook and you aren’t sure all your contacts would approve, maybe you should think twice.
But let’s say you just want a little more control over what shows up on your profile. Personally, this is a big issue for me as I don’t have an Internet-enabled phone so I can’t promptly access Facebook. There are a few features that allow you to approve what posts are submitted to your profile by others and which ones aren’t.
facebook search tricks
Just like any other of the privacy and security settings, which I highly recommend you familiarize yourself with, the tagging controls are accessed through “Privacy Settings” in the drop down menu of the top right corner of the page. Once you’re there, select custom and then click the “Edit Settings” link under the “Timeline and Tagging” section.
facebook tricks
The window features several settings to adjust how others interact with you on Facebook publicly. On the third line, you can turn on the option to review posts that friends tag you in prior to it appearing on your timeline. You can also set the option to review tags that friends set to your own posts and also who can see posts that you’ve been tagged in as well as just any posts that friends post on your profile.
Something important to note is that these settings can be much more beneficial if you also have your friends categorized into lists. This is because if you do want to customize the settings beyond all of your friends seeing posts or being able to post, you can allow or prevent specific lists of friends from being able to interact with you publicly.


As Facebook continues to grow, so do its features. Currently, I see these as the most helpful features at the time, but if you feel there is one (or more) that I missed, let us know in the comments below how you use it to improve your Facebook experience. What is the most useful Facebook feature for you?
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Facebook Messenger Now Has Better In-App Notifications & Photo Sharing [Updates]

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Facebook has definitely been in the news these past few days,Facebook also found the time to release a new version of their official Facebook Messenger for both Android and iPhone. The new version, 1.8, includes several useful updates.
The new version of Facebook Messenger introduces in-app notifications for multiple conversations. This means that not only do you get a notification when a new message is received, you can also receive it while engaged in chat with someone else. This is an important functionality for FB Messenger on its way to becoming a real IM client as you can now easily switch between your different conversations. Facebook chats can now also includes friends of friends, not only your immediate Facebook friends.
Also added is the ability to delete individual messages from a conversation. This is done by swiping in iPhone or by tapping and holding on Android. If you’re into sharing photos using FB Messenger, that ability has now been enhanced too, with the ability to share bigger photos (as seen in all other Facebook services in the past weeks), tap for full screen and pinch to zoom. In addition to the new features, the app should also be loading faster, be more responsive, and push notifications should be more reliable.
Do you like the new changes to Facebook Messenger?
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Power DVD 12

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Power DVD 12 is the Ultimate Universal media player that extends your viewing experience beyond just movies on PCs.

 Enhanced Media Experiences: Convert Blu-ray Movies to 3D 
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Enhanced Player Experience: Instant Scale – Browse media thumbnails in many sizes 
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An Optimized Player Experience – Any Device, Any Screen 
Control Friendly Cinema Mode for Large Screens 
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Touch Friendly Mobile App for Smartphone & Tablet 
Power DVD with Your Smartphone
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